So often we take a look at the things that are happening in our life and we realize that this world is spinning out of control. In our relationship with God there are many factors that have to be taken into consideration and what we believe in accuracy. How many times has life completely went wrong for you and your first statement was, "well, God is still in control" Is that a fact or a feeling? Do we really believe that God is in full control? Better yet do we allow him to be? I am learning in this moment that when we make that statement that the facts are construded. God is not in full control. In early posts I mentioned that God's original intent for our life was Free Will. He does not control the choices that we make. The fact is that God is not in control unless we allow him to be or we ask him to be.
We have control over our choices and sometimes those very choices bring forth an outcome that we neither want nor do we desire. Sometimes in our life we say these things to remove the attention of the affliction. We want him to be in control because then we can blame God for the actions in our life and yet the only one there is to truly blame for the events that take place is ourselves because it is by our choices that our destiny is brought into existence. For instance if the enemy is just tearing us apart day in and day out, and we are constantly reassuring ourselves, "Well, the Lord is in control." When all the while we are steady carrying the burdens and heartache on our shoulder then who is really in control me or God.
A child is sitting in the floor playing with his favorite airplane when he throws it as high into the air as he can get it. As the plane crashes to the floor the wing shatters into three large pieces. The child comes running to his father, "Daddy, my airplane broke. Here is the plane and here are two of the pieces." The father attempts to fix the wing and says, " Son, I need the other piece to fix it." The child replies, " No Daddy, I can do it."
So many times in our life we carry around the pieces of our broken heart and our shattered life and we drag them to the cross. We carry it to the cross and we repeatedly beg God to fix our situation and yet when we start off a new day we carry those same feelings, those same trials, and we make those same choices and we never give them to God. It is then that we have removed his hand and replaced it with our own.
There is a bigger sin there. A sin of Idolatry there. We believe that we can do a better job than God can. Once this happens we begin acting out in our own will and our own choices thinking that we can do a better job. This is where we also start self medicating as well.